(一)论文成果 1.Qijun Wu, Lily Zu, Wei-Hai Fang. Influence of pressure and discharge voltage on spectral intensities in a pulsed nitrogen discharge supersonic free-jet, Plasma Sci. Technol., 2010, 12, 320-324. (SCI) 2.Qijun Wu, Gai-Ting Liang, Lily Zu, Wei-Hai Fang. Vibrationally resolved LIF spectrum of tertiary methylcyclohexoxy, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2012, 116, 3156-3162. (SCI) 3.Qijun Wu, Hongyan Zhang, Xun Gong, et al. LIF excitation spectrum of primary alkoxy radicals derived from cyclohexyl, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 40856-40863. (SCI) 4.Qijun Wu, Xun Gong. A virtual instrument system for determining sugar degree of honey, J. Anal. Methods Chem., 2015, 2015, Article ID 534795, 7 pages. (SCI) 5.吴其俊, 龙卓. 基于LabVIEW无限深势箱中粒子能级与波函数可视化程序设计[J], 化学教育, 2015, 36(14), 67-69. 6.吴其俊, 龙卓. 基于LabVIEW的氢原子及类氢原子波函数等密度线的可视化程序开发[J], 化学教育, 2016, 37(2), 65-66. 7.Xun Gong, Wen Wu, Qijun Wu*, et al. A virtual instrument system for testing the validity of drugs, Am. Lab., 2017, 49(7), 20-23. (SCI, *corresponding author) 8.Xun Gong, Qijun Wu*. Development and application of network virtual instrument for emission spectrum of pulsed high-voltage direct current discharge, J. Instrum., 2017, 12, T12003. (SCI, *corresponding author) 9.Qijun Wu, Limin Han, Lingxuan Wang, et al. Molecular structure and electronic spectra of CoS under the radiation fields[J], CMC, 2018, 55(3), 393-403. 10.Qijun Wu, Jia He, Hu Meng, et al. A paper-based microfluidic analytical device combined with home-made SPE column for the colorimetric determination of copper(Ⅱ) ion[J], Talanta, 2019, 204, 518-524. 11.吴其俊,杜青,韩利民,汪凌萱. AlO自由基在辐射场中的物理和光谱特性[J], 光谱学与光谱分析, 2020, 40(4), 1023-1027. (二)专利成果 1 .类氢原子轨道波函数图形绘制系统, 软著登记号: 2018SR788239, 2018-9-28. 2 .加速测定药物有效期的虚拟仪器系统,软著登记号: 2018SR517062, 2018-7-4. 3. 单容液位定值控制系统, 软著登记号: 2019SR0431190, 2019-5-6. 4. 液相三氧化硫分析仪自动化数据处理系统, 软著登记号: 2019SR0420707, 2019-5-5. 5. 溴酚蓝电离平衡常数测定系统, 软著登记号: 2021SR0452624, 2021-3-25. |